Track Macbook With Serial Number

Type in your device's serial number, Apple order number, or model number. Test Start typing in your model number (i.e. A1181), order number (i.e. MA255LL/A) or Apple serial number (i.e. W88010010P0) in the box above. Lost or stolen Mac? How to track & find my Mac using the serial number. Want to know how to track and find your Mac using the serial number? In this blog article we look at whether this is possible, and what steps can be taken to protect your Mac from loss or theft in the first place. Jun 21, 2018 - How to track a stolen MacBook on your iPhone. Launch the Find iPhone app. Log in with your iCloud username and password. Tap your MacBook in the list of devices. If a location is displayed on the map, it's found your computer. Tap the MacBook in the centre of the screen. Tap Play Sound, Lock, or Erase Mac. Is the any way to find my stolen Mac? Then you might be able to track your Macbook's IP Address. Can Apple provide the serial number for stolen Macbook Pro.

Can the MAC address of a computer be traced to the serial number of a computer?

Regardless, I suggest contacting Apple and telling them the serial number of the machine and that it was stolen. If it's brought in for service, you might be able to get it back. (Although Apple has no official policy on this, it doesn't hurt to tell them. I contacted them when my iMac was stolen. Jan 16, 2018 - Your MacBook or MacBook Pro has been stolen or lost. If you have Find My Mac enabled on your MacBook you can track it, lock it, and even.

I have the MAC address that is trying to break into my wireless router. Knowing the serial number of the computer would possibly help me find the owner. Is this possible?


9 Answers

Not likely.

Part of the MAC address identifies the manufacturer of the device. The rest is defined by that manufacturer. With that, you're narrowing down the possibilities a bit -- for example, you know that it's a wireless device made by Intel.

You're not narrowing it down too much though. Most Windows laptops I've used in the past five years all use Intel made internal wireless cards.

And... it's not too difficult to spoof a MAC address.

If you know the MAC address of the intruder, why not just block it? That won't help you identify the perp (unless somebody complains that he/she can't connect), but it will secure you a bit more.

Doug HarrisDoug Harris

Just a side note, given the title of the question:

In IPv4, MAC addresses do no propagate all the way over the network (nor the internet). True, the first router will know it (like the wireless router in the question). But further on in the network (on the internet) the MAC address of the requesting computer is no longer visible.

In IPv6, the 64 bit 'host' part of the full 128 bit address is often automatically generated from the MAC address of your computer (not your modem/router). Sites like will then show the MAC address of your current computer when you're using IPv6, and will try to determine the vendor given the public database of MAC address ranges, as assigned by IEEE. Whether or not the MAC address is used, is configured on your computers (not on the router). See How to avoid exposing my MAC address when using IPv6? for details.


The computer (or just the network card) could have been purchased off the shelf with cash, which would mean that even if the MAC address was traceable to a particular computer, there would be no way to identify the owner. The ease with which MAC addresses can be spoofed would further invalidate any attempt to identify the owner.

If you just want the problem to go away, switch to using WPA2 on your network. There are more interesting options available as well.


When purchasing new laptops and similar equipment, I've often seen the MAC address printed on the outside of the box and used as a unique device identifier (e.g., for inventory tracking), so there's a very good chance that at least the retailer the equipment was purchased from would have a record of it. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the manufacturer also knows what warehouse that device was shipped to and the warehouse has a record of which retailer they sent it to. As others have already said, though, none of those records will do you a bit of good without a court order demanding their release.

Another point is that MAC addresses, as a general rule (such as in IPv4, but not in IPv6), do not survive past the first router they encounter, after which the next hop is made using the router's MAC address. You didn't specify whether the person you're complaining about is trying to break in over a wireless connection or over the wired connection to your ISP, but, if it's the latter, you're seeing the MAC for your ISP's router, not the attacker's computer.

Dave SherohmanDave Sherohman

Depends on the vendor. I'm sure manufacturers like Dell keep record of which components are in which computer. The first 3 hex chunks of the MAC will indicate the vendor, there is a complete table of them for comparison here (56k beware). I'd suggest for now just using MAC filtering to keep the user in question away from your router.

I'm actually at school right now and the list is spot on, the first 3 parts of my MAC is 00-1A-A0 and it's a Dell.

Can it be traced? more than likely.

Will you be given information from a vendor to help you trace it? probably not.

John TJohn T

I make carrier grade networking equipment for a living. We have no way to track a MAC address to a specific customer, and I highly doubt Dell does either. It gets programmed and stuck in a box on a big pile of boxes.

The easiest way to track this guy down is going to be to let him on your network and capture his traffic using Wireshark until he gives up some personal information. Once you've gathered enough, a nicely crafted welcome page greeting him by name should be enough to get him to leave you alone.

Karl BielefeldtKarl Bielefeldt

This is off topic, but are you doing MAC address filtering on your wireless network? If you have a whitelist of addresses that are only the devices that you yourself have authorized to be on the network, then it does prevent people from using it unless they spoof one of your aforementioned authorized devices.

Unfortunately it also makes it a pain when guests come over and want to connect.

Track Macbook With Serial Number

Furthermore I don't think that Dell will provide you with the name of the person, just because you tell them your story.

I guess you need some judge to enforce that for you. And for that you have press charges against unknown.

So even if it was possible (which it probably is for large computer companies like Dell or HP), do you really want to go that far.

And then you have to consider all those hundreds of people you build there computer from scratch, or the local computer store who does that for the customer. (Almost all of the desktop PCs also have wireless now - so it doesn't have to be a laptop). Furthermore: my mobile also has wireless.

I guess using a good mechanism like WPA2 should give sufficient security to block him. And that is probably enough for you and much less stressful :).


As Doug stated, you could block the specific MAC address, or you can up your security and only ALLOW specific MAC addresses to access your router. This will give you the added security and frustrate the want-to-be intruder.


Two weeks ago, my 13' Macbook Pro was stolen. Is there any way to locate my laptop if and when the thief accesses the internet?

Macbook Pro Serial Number Lookup

Is there any application or a website similar to this that can give me an alert message if I register my Macbook pro ID number?


4 Answers

It depends. If your machine was password protected, you might be out of luck. If not, there are a few possibilities.

If you have SSH enabled that might be an option. Also, if you had any remote access programs installed, like TeamViewer or LogMeIn, you have a chance to find it, assuming it's connected to the internet.

Regardless, I suggest contacting Apple and telling them the serial number of the machine and that it was stolen. If it's brought in for service, you might be able to get it back. (Although Apple has no official policy on this, it doesn't hurt to tell them. I contacted them when my iMac was stolen. Like I said, not much help, but it's better than nothing.)

PS: Check this out. You might find it inspiring at least.


Good luck getting this taken care of. In the future (as in your next machine) there are a couple of things you can do.

Track macbook with serial number

I use prey from and it allows remote locking, reporting, and gps coordinates. Prey is great and works on my mobile phone as well.

I also use backblaze for offsite backup and they offer a 'Locate My Computer' option here

Track Macbook With Serial Number

Macbook Serial Number Location

There are other pay options out there (lojack) but I have no experience with them.

Sable C.Sable C.

Assuming you have Gmail or Dropbox (and you don't already have anti theft software already installed) then you might be able to track your Macbook's IP Address.

If your macbook was stolen, you can use a service like Gmail or Dropbox to find the IP address of your thief. When you log into those services from any computer, it logs the IP address used, and displays your last used IP in your account. In Gmail, it's in the bottom right-hand corner under 'Details,' and in Dropbox, it's in Settings > Security under the details of each individual computer. If the thief used your computer, the last logged IP address may be theirs instead of yours. Again, though, if they're smart, they didn't use your computer and this trick won't work.

Of course, knowing their IP only gets you so far. You'd still have to file a police report, send a subpoena to that IP addresse's internet provider, and find out where they're located, which could take a long time. Using this method is no guarantee unfortunately Whatever you do, don't try to track the thief down yourself and get your gear back. That could lead to all sorts of trouble.


Sign up for an iCloud account.

Log in with your iCloud account on all your iPods,iPhones,Macs, and iPads.

Now go to and Log in.

You will be able to use Find My iPhone to track all of your iPods,iPhones,Macs, and iPads.

Too bad for you that you didn't already have an iCloud account. Use this method when you purchase your new mac products.

Serial Number For Macbook Pro 2011

Also, use a kensington lock to secure your devices and reduce theft. Install some software like ilostfinder or Aobo Keylogger will help too.

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