Dark Force Rising Audiobook Download

Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy, Book 2: Dark Force Rising audiobook, by Timothy Zahn. The dying Empire's most cunning and ruthless warlord, Grand Admiral Thrawn, has taken command of the remnants of the Imperial fleet and launched a massive campaign aimed at the New Republic's destruction. Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn. 3 primary works • 4 total works. In 1991, military SF author Timothy Zahn released the first novel to explore the world of 'Star Wars' after the events of 'Return of the Jedi.' His book trilogy sparked the Star Wars Expanded Universe, a whole world of new storylines that would influence the.

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(Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy #2)

The dying Empire's most cunning and ruthless warlord—Grand Admiral Thrawn—has taken command of the remnants of the Imperial fleet and launched a massive campaign aimed at the New Republic's destruction. Meanwhile, Han and Lando Calrissian race against time to find proof of treason inside the highest Republic Council—only to discover instead a ghostly fleet of warships that...more
Published April 1993 by Del Rey Books (first published June 1992)
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StianGunnerThe first book in this trilogy (Heir To The Empire) takes place 5 years after Return Of The Jedi, and this book takes place right after Heir To The…moreThe first book in this trilogy (Heir To The Empire) takes place 5 years after Return Of The Jedi, and this book takes place right after Heir To The Empire. So I would say aprox 5 years after episode VI.(less)
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Sep 23, 2014Alejandro rated it really liked it

Dark Forces Download

Shelves: media-tie-in, star-wars, politics, science-fiction, military, espionage, novel
The last command
The Force is stronger in the second book!
There's your twice of nothing. Enjoy it.
This second book is better than the first one, while I still considering quite relevant and important the first book, just lacking of a climax of my taste.
However, again, due that the novel was written several years before of that any happened before Episode IV, so it was great to watch all the details and planning done by Timothy Zahn, the author, about the Clone Wars and eve
Feb 17, 2015Evgeny rated it really liked it
The second part of the trilogy picks up right where the previous one left. A minor battle is won by the good guys, but the war is far from over. Thrawn continues his relentless efforts to bring back the former glory of the Empire. This time his main problem is to find more fighter ships, thus the problem of the New Republic is to do anything to prevent him from getting any. The intrigues in the Republican Council do not make this task any easier.
The biggest discussion point would be characters.
Feb 25, 2013Alex rated it it was ok
Did it take me two books to realise that Zahn can't write worth a damn. Ok, no, that took about 50 pages but these novels are apparently so important to the Star Wars expanded universe and so beloved of EU fans that I wanted to give them a fair shot. I enjoyed Heir to he Empire well enough as setup, even if its characterisation was crooked and its plotting a little unadventurous. However, Dark Force Rising takes whatever potential the series may have had and murders it brutally with a lightsaber...more
Feb 16, 2015Gavin rated it liked it
This second book in the Thrawn Trilogy was a slight improvement on the first. It had a bit more action and a tiny bit more humor.
The story continues on from where it left off in the first book. This time the main story arc sees the Empire and the New Republic in a desperate race to discover the location of the Dark Force, the Katana fleet of nearly 200 Dreadnoughts, that went missing under mysterious circumstances during the Clone Wars. The number of ships available could tip the tide of the wa
May 04, 2017Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen) marked it as to-read
Because today's the day, isn't it?
May the 4th be with you 🙌🏻
Still needs more Lightsaber. I have a feeling the final book in this trilogy is going to be cracking!
Mar 19, 2015TS Chan rated it liked it · review of another edition
This instalment of the trilogy suffered a bit from middle-book syndrome. There's just a whole lot of setup going on between the many players as Leia, Luke and Han together with Lando went their separate ways before they are drawn back together with a common goal as they managed to gather information separately about a certain lost fleet.
Thrawn continued to impress as the main antagonist of the series, without whom the books would pretty much fall flat in my opinion.
While Luke sometimes grated
Feb 05, 2015Nathan rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I don't have a lot to say about this one. This book picks up where the first one left off. The characters really stay the same. Han is still too dry, overprotective, and worried. Mara Jade shows a lot of depth. Karrde is quickly becoming a great character with a lot of sarcasm. And Thrawn is almost too smart for his own good.
My favorite plot line was actually Leia's and I thought it was extremely fun to learn about her and the Noghri people. And the end was full of action that was fun and gripp
Nov 20, 2011Kathryn rated it really liked it
Dark Force Rising, the sequel to Heir to the Empire, continues the new Star Wars saga. The action of this book centers around the titular Dark Force, the Katana fleet, a group of two hundred capital ships that were lost in the blackness of space when their crews all went insane simultaneously (due to a hive virus). The New Republic and the Empire both want the Katana fleet, as the extra two hundred Dreadnoughts may turn the course of the war. Meanwhile, Leia Organa Solo continues to investigate...more
This review applies to all three of the Thrawn Trilogy novels
It might not be entirely fair to these books that I first started reading them expecting them to be masterpieces (touted by more than a few people I know as the very best of Star Wars EU fiction), because to be quite honest, I was more disappointed than I was impressed with them. I say that this might not be fair because in reality, they aren't that bad; the plot is certainly interesting enough to hold your attention, especially if you
Aug 27, 2008Stephen rated it really liked it
4.5 stars. The Thrawn Trilogy, of which this is the second book, set the standard for 'non-canon' star wars books and is still among the best in that group. This is a great universe (i.e., star wars) written by an excellent author (i.e., Zahn). The result is a very good read.
Jul 19, 2008Ashley rated it really liked it ·

Dark Force Rising Audio Book Download Torrent

review of another edition
Shelves: sci-fi, treasure-and-adventure, professional-fanfic, heroes-and-villains, star-wars, not-quite-five-stars-but-sooo-close, nostalgia, space-opera, the-robots-will-kill-us-all
The second book in the Thrawn trilogy picks up several weeks after the end of Heir to the Empire. Warning: spoilers for book one ahead. Thrawn has escalated his plan to the next stage, having successfully captured several of the Emperor's assets, including his very secret storage facility on Wayland. He also has the ysalamiri, strange creatures that project anti-Force bubbles, and which are very handy for dealing with Jedi. And of course, he's now after the infamous Katana Fleet, also called the...more
Jul 11, 2010Crystal Starr Light rated it it was amazing
Shelves: star-wars, so-good-it-s-awesome, simply-the-best
'We who remain must stand together against those who would destroy everything'
Book two in the thrilling Thrawn Trilogy! (Who woulda thought that a C'baoth clone would get the title of this review!!)
The Empire may have been foiled, but only just barely. And now things get worse as Admiral Ackbar, member of the Inner Council, is accused of treason. Han and Lando go to attempt to sniff out the source; Luke discovers that a Jedi named C'baoth may have escaped the Jedi Purge, and Leia goes to meet th
It took me 20+ years to get to this highly regarded Star Wars series, but I'm enjoying it. Some of it is hokey and contrived, some of it is brilliant and inspired, and some of it just seems a bit dated, thanks to Episodes I-III.
Zahn is a solid writer and he's created an action-packed space opera that would be terrific on the big screen, even though Disney would have to re-cast the main roles. The new characters that Zahn has introduced in the first two books of this trilogy have actually been be
Jun 11, 2018Malum rated it really liked it
*Review of the 20th anniversary audiobook*
I am still really enjoying this trilogy. If I had one complaint, it would be that I wish Zahn had included more force/saber action. Besides that, however, these books are heavily in the spirit of the original movies.
An improvement over the first book.
Feb 17, 2017Lance Shadow rated it liked it
Shelves: legends, star-wars, thrawn-trilogy, novels
In preparation for Timothy Zahn's upcoming Star Wars novel Thrawn, I have decided to finally continue reading the beloved Thrawn Trilogy.
I was pleasantly surprised to how much I enjoyed Heir to the Empire. I know that seems crazy because of how much people love these books, but here's the thing. Before reading Heir, I read another beloved Star Wars Expanded universe book that is considered one of the best ever, Path of Destruction. While it had good intentions I think the execution was really l
Nov 15, 2018Wanda rated it it was ok
Shelves: 1990s, read-in-2018, reading-project, used-books, fantasy, speculative-fiction
Perhaps 2.5 stars.
Recommended for Star Wars junkies and younger sci-fi readers.
The author leans heavily on the reader’s assumed knowledge of the Star Wars franchise. Now, it would seem that a person cannot live in our society these days without knowing the basics of the movies, but I admit that I have never watched them. So I have no emotional involvement arising from the films.
As I said in my review of Heir to the Empire, I find that these books would be better suited to the young adult age gr
I’d been reading children’s stories I should have read when I was eleven: Sherlock Holmes, Jules Verne’s adventures – when I came across, in storage, the books I was reading when I was eleven. In fact, Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy, appeared the year I turned eleven, and at that age I thought it excellent – so much so I kept buying Star Wars novel right through until 1996, hoping each time that they would be as good as Zahn’s original trilogy. They never were. They say you should never go back:...more
May 23, 2013Algernon (Darth Anyan) rated it liked it
Dark Force Rising follows the structure of the original Star Wars trilogy, as the resurgent Empire forces led by Admiral Thrawn go on the offensive, the Alliance heroes go each on his / her own quest, and in general things get complicated in a way that will set up a big confrontation in the last book of the series. Luke meets the wild Jedi Master C'Baoth on his own turf, Leia does a an interesting sidequest on a planet with a grave ecological problem (reminding me a bit of Dune and Paul At
May 27, 2014Josh rated it really liked it
DARK FORCE RISING is centered around the katana fleet; the dark force, a fleet of abandoned dreadnoughts that could turn the tide of war.
The plot threads pull the reader in many directions yet all are easy enough to follow, including those involving lesser popular characters.
Secondary to the core plot is an element of political infighting within the New Republic that runs rife amongst its leaders who are under fire for seemingly aligning with the Empire.
Speaking of the Empire, its trickery is p
Aug 16, 2014M Hamed rated it really liked it
it would've been 5 stars ......if it weren't for this paragraph
Luke swallowed. Master Yoda had lifted his X-wing out of a Dagobah swamp once … but Master Yoda had been far stronger in the Force than Luke was. “Let’s find out,” he said. Taking a deep breath, clearing his mind, he raised his hand and reached out with the Force.
The walker didn’t even quiver. Luke tried again; and again. But it was no use. Either the machine was wedged too tightly against walls and ceiling to move, or Luke simply d
Feb 26, 2016C.T. Phipps rated it it was amazing
Dark Force Rising is the sequel to Heir to the Empire, it's also the first Star Wars book I ever read. Dark Force Rising was pretty nonsensical to me the first time I read it but improved tremendously once I had a context for who Mara Jade, Talon Karrde, and Grand Admiral Thrawn were. It's one of the best Star Wars books ever written and I encourage anyone with a love for the setting to read it.
The premise of Dark Force Rising is a mythical two hundred Dreadnaughts, lost like the Flying Dutchm
Nov 02, 2012David - proud Gleeman in Branwen's adventuring party rated it really liked it
Shelves: science-fiction, space-opera, i-am-a-star-wars-nerd
The second book of the acclaimed 'Thrawn Trilogy' picks up right where Heir To The Empire left off, and the stakes are much higher this time. Leia deals with the moral ramifications from the discovery that her actions in the Rebel Alliance may have decimated an entire world. Luke unwittingly falls under the spell of an unstable Dark Jedi. And Han & Lando are in a race with the ruthless Grand Admiral Thrawn and his newly-resurrected Empire to try to locate a fleet of ghostly spaceships that c...more
May 31, 2014Rob rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: author-male, star-wars, science-fiction, read-2014, audio-book, own
Executive Summary: Not as good as the first book, this was still another enjoyable entry in this series.
Audio book: Marc Thompson once again gives a stellar performance. Add to that the sound effects and music and audio is the only way to do this book in my opinion.
Full Review
Empire Strikes Back is probably my favorite Star Wars Movie. So could the middle book of this trilogy top the original as well? No it couldn't.
I found the middle of the book particularly slow, especially Leia's storyline
Aug 20, 2014Alex Ristea rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: series, star-wars, audiobook, library, science-fiction
Another good entry into the Star Wars universe that I would recommend to anyone interested in the franchise.
Really, this is epic space fantasy. There are multiple POVs, the science is more akin to hand-wavy magic than anything else, and well, it feels like an epic fantasy that just happens to be zipping around the galaxy instead of the realm. Anyone care to argue about this?
Dark Force Rising has a bigger, more political story than other Star Wars and tie-in novels that I've read, and that's a hu
I rarely, if ever, reread books. Especially those books that I loved as a kid. All too frequently, the things we love as a child don't hold up to our adult sensibilities:
- Captain N: The GameMaster.
- HyperColor Shirts.
- Mallrats.
The list could go on and on.
The 'Heir to the Empire' Trilogy holds a similar place in my heart. Last year, I revisited the first book and it was still great but I could definitely see some of it's flaws. But I've got to tell you folks, with 'Dark Force Rising' it still C
Oct 23, 2016Emilia Barnes rated it really liked it
This is so much fun to listen to on audiobook because the guy reading it can do all the voices!
Jun 06, 2014Rusty rated it really liked it
I don't usually read books in a series so close together like this unless I'm really enthralled. This is one of those rare occasions where that isn't the case. I like the first one just fine, but not so much I was really invested in the story to the point where I felt like I had to just keep reading.
No, I was afraid I'd never finish if I didn't make it a point to. I hope to do the same with my reading of the third book as well. You know, read another book, maybe two, then come back to the third
Nowhere near as fun as HEIR TO THE EMPIRE - the charm of seeing our heroes back in action has dampened considerably, and Zahn's riffs on the original trilogy feel a lot more forced and uninspired than in the first book. There are a lot of flaws, but it's still a very serviceable adventure that filled me with nostalgia. I also think this is the strongest set of villains the Star Wars Expanded Universe ever created: the former assassin Mara Jade, torn between her old allegiances and moving on with...more
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The Star Wars Stacks:*Star Wars: Dark Force Rising discussion 13 24Jun 05, 2014 10:14AM
The Expanded Univ...:DARK FORCE RISING - July 2013 Holocronies Book Club 6 37Jul 22, 2013 09:49PM
Madison Mega-Mara...:Dark Force Rising by Timothy Zahn 1 2Aug 24, 2012 11:52AM
Goodreads Librari...:I own different versions of a book 3 110Jan 18, 2012 12:39PM
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Timothy Zahn attended Michigan State University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in physics in 1973. He then moved to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and achieved an M.S. degree in physics in 1975. While he was pursuing a doctorate in physics, his adviser became ill and died. Zahn never completed the doctorate. In 1975 he had begun writing science fiction as a hobby, and he bec...more
Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy(3 books)
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Dark Force Rising Audiobook Download Free

Author: Timothy ZahnNarrator: Marc ThompsonPublisher: Random HouseFormat: Unabridged AudiobookDelivery: Instant DownloadAudio Length: Release Date: May 2012ISBN:
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The dying Empire's most cunning and ruthless warlord - Grand Admiral Thrawn - has taken command of the remnants of the Imperial fleet and launched a massive campaign aimed at the New Republic's destruction. With the aid of unimaginable weapons long hidden away by the Emperor on a backwater planet, Thrawn plans to turn the tide of battle, overwhelm the New Republic, and impose his iron rule throughout the galaxy.

Meanwhile, Han and Lando Calrissian race against time to find proof of treason inside the highest Republican Council - only to discover instead a ghostly fleet of warships that could bring doom to their friends and victory to their enemies.

Yet most dangerous of all is a new Dark Jedi, risen from the ashes of a shrouded past, consumed by bitterness...and scheming to corrupt Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side.

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