All My Life I Pray For Someone Like You Download

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How to attract a Specific Person?


All my life I pray for someone like you And I thank god That I That I finally found you, baby All my life I pray for someone like you And I hope that you Feel the same way too Yes, I pray that you Do love me too I said you're all that I'm thinking of La la la la la la la Baby. (all my life) i pray for someone like you. Clarissa mae / Music. Like I'm Gonna Lose You (Official Music Video) ft. Using GenYoutube you can. Old friend, why are you so shy? It ain’t like you to hold back or hide from the lie. I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited, But I couldn’t stay away, I couldn’t fight it, I had hoped you’d see my face, And that you’d be reminded that for me it isn’t over, Never mind, I’ll find someone like you, I wish nothing but the best.

One of the most often asked questions is “Can you attract a specific person using the law of attraction?” The good news is Yes you can absolutely attract a specific person in your life in a relationship you choose and with success.

Love is the most important emotion of all in this entire universe. When it comes to money, jobs, and so many other things people don’t really have that much difficulty in manifesting. In matters of the heart if you don’t get what you want the pain is maximum. The one you love, that specific person, is the most important person for you, and even the entire world cannot substitute for that person. Now I have absolutely great news for you today. Yes, you can attract that specific person you are in love with. So today allow yourself to be absolutely elated and just follow the procedure below.

Desire and Desperation – You need to let go of the desperation

While desire is a sacred energy, an energy of creation, desperation is just the opposite, a destructive energy. When desire is unfulfilled the void is taken over by desperation. While desire is a pure and good energy, desperation is a powerful negative energy. Desire creates those vibes in you to attract, desperation creates just the opposite vibes, to repel. When you fell in love with that special person, the sacred seed of desire was sown in you. Due to whatever reasons when that desire was unfulfilled desperation crept in. So the first step is remove that desperation. Clear all desperation.

How to clear desperation?

The easiest way to clear desperation is to let go. Surrender to the light of divine love of the Universe. Imagine a beautiful light of divine love, a pure radiant love light. Just surrender to that beautiful sparkling light. That light created you, gave you everything that you possess, and that light simply loves you, no matter what you have done so far. That light is forgiving, 100% pure love and powerful enough to create a beautiful reality beyond your wildest imagination. When you fell in love that light was silently telling you what to do, only if you listened. So let go of everything, surrender and start anew. Today submit yourself to that divine light and affirm to yourself you let go, you surrender and you allow that Divine Light to create a bright future, a bright love life for you. You accept the divine will because the divine will make your life far happier than you can imagine.

Once you do this you let go of any attachment to the result. Now the fun part begins.

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Creating a beautiful love life

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Once you have let go of any attachment to that person, you have given a very powerful and strong signal to the Universe you are now ready for love in your life. If previously your love was one sided now it’s time to create a both sided relationship. You are a super hero in your theater of the mind. Your movie is in your mind and your movie creates your reality. You have 100% control over your imagination and use this wisely to create a reality of your choice.

Now now simply imagine your loved one in love with you. Earlier you were one the one in love now imagine your lover is the one in love with you. “Your loved one loves you”, your desire is fulfilled. How does it feel? Say to yourself as an affirmation 1000’s of times “_______ loves me” See what happens in the next 5-7 days. See the shift in energy. Notice how you would feel. Visualize your lover is in love with you. Keep a tab on the feelings. How does it feel? Go lucid in your mind as you make love to your lover. How does it feel?

If you do the above stop properly you will realize and laugh at yourself, what was I so desperate for? And once you have done it well, your world opens up. You feel more powerful. If you do this properly you will feel like a winner and your world of choices opens you. You will definitely wonder what the big deal about this person that I was putting so much energy on? Why didn’t I just let go before?

Sending Love

While the above techniques were to get you out of your pit of desperate feelings and make you feel like a winner so that positive thoughts and feelings came and made you realize whether you wanted that person because of love or because you wanted to satisfy your ego. In many cases the desperation to get back isn’t because of love but because of a sense of conquest. So now you know in your heart whether you truly love the other person or not. If its love go forward else just allow the Universe to deliver the best vibrational match for you.

Now this is a very important step for those in love

Love – the power behind creation

Understand this. Love is THE most powerful energy in the Universe. With love you can create anything, win anyone’s heart, mind and soul. Every day for at least 10 minutes sit down and send loving thoughts to your loved one. Imagine you already have a relationship with her. Your lover loves you completely. Now what kind of loving thoughts would you send to your lover.

Imagine a pink ball of energy in between your hands in which you see you already have the relationship of your choice. In this ball you can see you and your lover. This ball can only contain pure and good love energy. Note the words, the thoughts, the kind of relationship you both have in this ball. Now let go of the pink ball. Let it flow away in the Universe.

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Let go of any attachment. And if you do it right there will be no attachment now because you are already in a field where you can FEEL the feelings of the relationship and loving your lover. In case there are any doubts Affirm to yourself, “I surrender to my divine light”. “I only have love and gratitude for my divine light”.

Remember this very clearly Intention Manifestation can ONLY and ONLY happen when the feelings vibrational level is high. Desperation is like a deep well, it has a -ve vibration. Love and Gratitude have the highest vibration.

If you do this right your emotions at this point of time should be:

1. zero desperation. You will wonder where it has disappeared?

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2. extremely happy because you have created a beautiful relationship and seen and felt it so vividly

3. a perfect happy relationship between you and the Universe where you only and only have Thank You’s for the Universe.

Your perfect relationship will manifest in all certainty. 60,000 thoughts a day is your thought karma. If Love and Gratitude is even in 80% of this thought karma you cannot imagine what a beautiful relationship you will create, far beyond your imagination.

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Follow what works
One person’s fantasy is another person’s reality. Have you seen a friend or someone you know fall in love with someone and get that person? Were they desperate and needy? Did they have an attitude of a victim that “nothing works for me” or “everything simply works for me just fine”. The attitude you have in a relationship defines the altitude of your relationship. Have an attitude “You are simply the BEST CHOICE anyone can have”. It’s simply an attitude and YOU CAN CHOOSE THAT ATTITUDE THIS MOMENT.

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Stop Loading Yourself with Demands
One of the best ways to experience THE MOST AWESOME DYNAMICS IN A RELATIONSHIP is Simply by Loving Yourself. That simple! Loving Yourself works. The Best high is Love. When you love yourself, you will allow yourself to experience awesomeness. You won’t DENY YOURSELF all that you seek. When you load yourself with demands that so and so person HAS to love you in order to you to be happy, you are stressing yourself. You are going against the flow of Universe, in a vibration of dis-trust in the very source that is your provider. You have set conditions that so and so person has love to you in order for you to love yourself. You are doing just the opposite of what you truly want. It’s like you want gold but are filling yourself with garbage thoughts. Whereas Simply Loving Yourself, telling yourself you are doing well, and everything will work just as fine eases the burden you are placing on yourself. You could try it for yourself and see how much ease it makes you feel almost instantly. Choose LOVE MYSELF FIRST as a motto. You can read more on A Course in Loving Yourself here.